I'm gearing up for a busy few months ahead. I will be in Wales this October with my Christmas collections and some new pieces I have been working on...

Made by Hand, at City Hall, Cardiff 31st October-2nd November 2014. Lots of lovely designer makers across all the disciplines. For more details madebyhand-wales.co.uk/makers/
I will also be up in Yorkshire this November...
The Art Market
Holmfirth Indoor Market, West Yorkshire
Weekend One:
Saturday 22nd November – buying evening & art auction – 8pm -10pm
Sunday 23rd November – main show - 10am – 4pm
Different artists each weekend.
£2 entry on the door – free entry for children under 14 accompanied by an adult.
And down in London in the New year for a trade show called 'CRAFT' at Olympia, London 11th-13th January 2015, www.craft-london.com/ I will be exhibiting as part of the Design Factory group stand at this high quality craft trade fair.
I have been busy on the workshop front with some lovely results and these are my next dates...
at Wistow gallery, Leicestershire, wistowgallery.weebly.com/nov-2014-workshops.html
Saturday November 8th 10.30 - 1.30 Ceramic brooches and buttons £25 “Be inspired by Katie's design boards and create 3 brooches and a set of buttons. Impress objects into clay and apply glazes. The work will be taken away to fire and can be collected from the gallery, 2 weeks later.”
And Saturday December 6th 10.30 - 1.30 Porcelain Christmas tree decorations £25 “Be inspired by Katie's design boards and create a stunning trio of hanging Christmas decorations. Impress objects into clay and apply glazes. The work will be taken away to fire and will be ready for collection within 2 weeks.”