"Thirteen talented UK designer makers are preparing to take part in a major project that will see their work on display and for sale in New York this Autumn. The British Craft Showcase will be hosted at The Textile Art Center in central Manhattan, opening on 10th October. Exhibits will include exquisite ceramics, glass, textiles, paperworks and jewellery created by members of Design Factory, the leading UK creative development agency that supports and promotes designer makers from the East Midlands and beyond." www.designfactory.org.uk
The Textile Arts center
Debbie setting up her scarves www.debbiebryan.co.uk
Gizella Warburton http://www.gizellakwarburton.co.uk/
We have lots more images on Facebook of the PV and work https://www.facebook.com/katie.almond.77/media_set?set=a.10151627695316831.656753165&type=3
I also had a bit of free time to explore some famous places....
my favorite bridge that I spotted!
a lovely sunny walk through central park to the Met museum http://www.metmuseum.org/ to soak up some art and lovely collections of old ceramics...
We also met some lovely makers along the way this lady recycles paper into yarn to make hats and table cloths..
I can't wait to make some new pieces after the busy Christmas season inspired by my trip. Watch this space!